Thursday, 29 August 2019

Inquiry/ pulley

LI: to learn how to make a pulley

This week for inquiry I had to make a pulley we  had to make a copy of the sheet and then I had to do  the sentences then I had to do a photo

swimming safety

LI: To learn how To swim
Today I learnt how to swim for swimming I had to do L.I:To learn water safety.
First to start of we did freestyles. We had to move our legs
and also breathe on our side.When breathing on our side we just
have to make sure we are not moving our head a lot. We did it again Then I had to do a lap around the pool

Friday, 23 August 2019


LI: to learn  how to committed
 Today I did committing for  committing I committed on zeppelin he did good work and  he  has very good work he should keep it up

swimming safety

LI: to learn how to do water safety
Today I learnt how to swim. For swimming I learnt a lot of different things well I was swimming and I learnt helping. People when I was swimming also I learnt how to back stork and we had to get these penguin sticks.y every time James had to throw it and we had to swim after it and I had to get out of the pool.


LI: to learn a plain 
Today I had to do inquiry. for inquiry I had to do I Incline plain.  I had to do what help to left a 50kg block if. you use a rope then the rope well brace if you use a lot of ropes and you have a lot of people then you well make it. 


Speech & Poems
PBS went to a speech competition.The Juniors were doing poems
and the seniors were doing persuasive speeches.My favourite for
the poems was Kendric because space rockets are cool.Also because
I wish being in a space rocket and going up to space.My favourite for
the persuasive speech was Sulia because Technology can be bad.
Also because I don't want to lose my eyesight.

Everybody that did their poems and persuasive speech was amazing.They
were also amazing because they read there things confident.

Also the judge was Stevenson

Thursday, 22 August 2019

Fix the poster

LI: to apply the print design rule
for cyber smart Today I had to do Fix the poster and the poster was about Naruto and there were different slides that I had to do and then I had to blog it.

main idea bank

LI: to learn how to scam reading
For reading today I had to main idea bank for main idea bank I had to right a key words on the slides and on the boxes

Wednesday, 21 August 2019


LL: To learn emotes and filling's

Today Ls1 group A  went to kiwi can we learnt how to use emotions so we had to go in groups and it was in 4 groups in each row and we had to do different activities like moari activities and my group did bur pees as well and we kiwi can says and and we had to tell the teacher same emotes and felling.

Sunday, 18 August 2019

basic facts

LI: to remember basic maths facts.
Today I did basic facts for basic facts I did + in 5 my time was 3:50 and it was fun.


LI: to identify the four areas of print design.
I had to do bad slides and see if I can tell the different

Friday, 16 August 2019


LI: being expired
Today I comment on Liletina maths she has done good maths


LI: we had some fun in emotes


LI: To learn how to use a ruler
Today I learnt how to use a ruler for maths I had to do shapes I had to do the size and how many squeeze
are in the shapes.


LI: to learn how to use a lever
Today my group was doing in inquiry and we finished our lever and we had to do different sent

Thursday, 15 August 2019

swimming safety

LI: to learn how to swim

This week for swimming  I was in  James's group

  • Streamline
  • Streamline and roll for breath
    • Rotate body on side for breath
    • Do not swing head around!
  • Kicking on back
  • Breast stroke & survival stroke

Monday, 12 August 2019

main ideas bank

LI: to identify the main ideas in a book.
Today I did main idea bank for main idea bank I had to do yellow chicken for my book the book is about the yellow chicken the chicken had a party with his friends where mean.

Sunday, 11 August 2019


LI: to write a quick persuasive speech
I chose Steph Curry for my speech.
because he is a good person on and off the game

basic facts box

LI: To learn my +
Today I did basic facts box for my basic facts box I had to answer then I had to make a seen shot

Saturday, 10 August 2019

SRR selfie

LI: Today I have done ssr selfie for ssr selfie I had to do a photo then I had to the  author then I had to do the photographer . 

Friday, 9 August 2019


 L.I to learn about the man behind the machine.
For Inquiry we are learning about STEAM. This week we had learnt about Rube Goldberg. Rube Goldberg is a American Cartoonist, Sculptor, Engineer. We had created a slide of Rube Goldberg. We had also made a simple machine using our body to open the door.

kiwi can

L.I to understand our
This week we went to kiwi can and we went there to play two games and we had to do it.we had to go and then we had to do the first game put in order and we got a word and we had to try and put the same word next to each other but first we had to find the other people that had to words that where like ours and then we had to put them to then we had to do the next game and we had to start it we had to try and act plays that we got told to do and then we had to try and do it we got put in to groups and then we had to go back to class after the act and then we had to blog the work.

Thursday, 8 August 2019



LI: to learn water safety skills .
Our second lesson for water safety was used to get into groups and show the teachers our swimming ability. I was put in deep end group.

  1. We did free style
  2. We did arms strokes.
  3. We did arms strokes and spin.
  4. Then we did dolphin dive.

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

main idea bank

LI: to identify the main ideas in a book
This week for Reading we were learning about a main  idea. We leaned about it by reading a book and using a main idea bank. The book that we choose was Tigers . We had to skim read the book. Then we had to find key words for a main idea sentence.and we had to blog it

Monday, 5 August 2019


LI: to identify the main idea.

Today for Reading me and my reading group did sunshine classic for sunshine classic I had to do
a book this book was about Mrs muddle mud puddle went to go see her friend Bert but she went to a haunted house