Thursday, 19 March 2020

first waka

Originally, there were no people in New Zealand (Aotearoa). The first people who came to New Zealand arrived in a series of waka.
The first ten waka to arrive were: Kurahaupō, Tākitimu, Mataatua, Tainui, Te Arawa, Aotea, Tokomaru, Horouta, Uruao, Ārai-te-uru. These waka all landed in different places in New Zealand.

All of these waka were strong in different areas. For example: Mataatua was identified as one of the greatest traditional boats used to migrate towards New Zealand.
The objective of this activity was to build an understanding of where the first ten waka of Aotearoa journeyed to.

LI: to learn about early exploration.

Sunday, 8 March 2020

SSR selfie

Today I did SSR selfie is fun it is all about book,main character.

basic facts

Today I had to do 5demon run and it was fun and long
but I had fun it was so cool.

conmeting thread

This is xavier
blog we had to changed our conmet to a question and the question has to be about what he did familiar to his blog


Today we had to make a key word and then we.
Had to think what a key word is and then I made a list and then we had to blog it


Explorers and Adventurers are people who travel and discover new things.

Explorers are people who travel to find new things and record them for the community such as Jeremy Clarkson,Captain James Cook, Neil Armstrong

Adventurers are people who travel to take part in something for them self. such as Sir Edmund Hillary,Bear Grylls,Sylvia Earle.

Explorers and Adventurers need to have or show many different attitude and attributes such as open minded because so they can listen to each others ideas.

Friday, 6 March 2020

KIwi sports

L.I: To have fun with Rippa Rugby
This week we did Rippa Rugby. First we did drills to warm us up. What we did was we get in to group and the person in front has the ball and they have to pass the ball back to the other person. When catching we had to make a W shape and catch the ball. After that the last person will have to throw to the other person on the opposite side and do the same thing back. After that we played Rippa rugby. We tried our best but we ended up in a draw. I had fun and I would like to play again. 


Today we did some counting on it was like basic facts but and that was fun to do
then we done and it was for maths

Wednesday, 4 March 2020


This week we learnt what a simple sentence was. First we watched a video which explained what a simple sentence is. Next our group had to record mixed up sentences. Then we had to write 5 of our own simple sentences. I created a mixed up simple sentence slide for others to use. I looked forward to others using my simple sentences.

legal ad illgael images

LI: to understand  what lagel and illagel images are.

A legal image is an image that an be used with  permission by law.
Image creators give legal permission to use their images. By adding a sharing licese
It is inportant to use legal images to help
 creators and so we don't get in trouble when using images make sure to check the liense for permission