Friday, 25 September 2020


 Governing topics are about political parties who want to lead the country. The important topics to me are Education and Transport and infrastructure.
Education is about learning and trying new things to get more knowledge. 
Transport and infrastructure is about how parties want to upgrade transport and the roads and bridges so to lessen traffic.
I chose Transport and infrastructure because my parents use their vehicles to go places and take relatives and friends and specially me to school

L.I: To choose important governing topics by understanding the goverment policies and services. 


This week, we found hazards, risks, and the likelihood of those risks in an activity that we did in real life. The activities that we did were making a fire and cooking smores with the fire.

First we started by discussing the circumstances of the activities. Some of the circumstances were: we were using a brazier, we would like the fire at 11pm the fire would be lit on concrete, and there is good enough weather for the fire to be lit.

Next, we talked about the hazards and risks, and wrote the consequences. Then we found out ways we could prevent those consequences from happening, and wrote down what would happen if those consequences elevated.

We did the same process for making smores over the fire.

Once the fire was lit, we were given a demonstration of how the marshmallows should be cooked. There were three marshmallows on a skewer and the skewer was to be held vertically through the gaps of the brazier. We then added chocolate sauce and crackers to complete the smores. and we did it with our hands.

This activity was really interesting. We were told to be very careful and follow instructions to prevent accidents to happen. I injoyed this activity very much.

Friday, 18 September 2020


This activity was about making a safety plan.

First, we recaped what a hazerd and the different risk levels. A hazard is the object that can cause harm and the risk is the chance of that object causing harm. The risk levels are low, likely, possible, elevated, and extreme.

Then we wrote our own safety plan on a simple activity.We wrote down what the activity was, the class level the number of helpers, the number students and where the location of that activity. for every ten students, there is one helper.

LI: To assess risk with in asimple activity.

The Gruffalo

LI- To re write a narrative

I re wrote the Gruffalo story I only had to change the fox in to nine tails and then I chaneged the food to nine tail soap and I changed the underground house to deep dark cave.

Making Connections

LI: to compare products using reciprocal reading.
LI: To make connections

How to make a connections. there are three connections;

text to text , text to self, text to world

Text to text is comparing a text to another simaller text that you are reading.

Text to self is when we connect the text to our experinces.

Text to world is comparing the connect to the out side world.\

Thursday, 10 September 2020


This activity is based around understanding the possible risks that different circumstances can cause, and identifying how likely that risk is to happen.

First, we discussed the five different levels of likelihood. They are: low, likely, possible, elevated and extreme.

Then, we were given a range of different situations that have a possibility of risks. We identified how likely the risks were to happen by using the five different levels of likelihood. We also listed risks that could happen.

After that, we came up with our own situations and discussed the likelihood of a risk. Then we wrote down the risks that could happen.

We enjoyed this task and found it difficult to identify the right likelihood of a situation. The purpose of this activity is to understand how likely a risk is to happen by knowing the circumstances of a situation.

LI: to assess the likelihood.